Well for a moment I find myself looking at a screen and thought to myself. Dang it has been awhile since I've sat down and really thought of adding stuff to the site. I think I need to resolve to fix that. It is all a matter of finding the bits of time in a week to come up with a topic, and then pull it all together. I think I must do these sort of blog post often in my life time.
At first the genuine nature of the task excites and fuels me to stay engaged in the whole idea. For a time that is enough but eventually something snags at me. Well this time it was a lot of somethings coming together to sort of put a foot down on my routine and it sort of stops me, usually dead in my tracks. At least now thinking about it I can say I have one good thing going for me. I haven't given up, or stopped making attempts at posting about ideas. The big stop sign that causes many to just drop the whole endeavor isn't really here with me. Just delays. A lot of delays but I think delays are ok.
In a way a delay is more of a understanding that priorities just aren't on one's side. This leaves only a few constructive options available, go back and reprioritize things, but if, as in my case, lively hood is in the equation then put the side project to the side till you can get back to it. So with that said, time to get back to things. Oh and how about an Assassin's Creed Eeyore to start the whole reboot off.
I think I had way too much fun with that drawing.