So recently I read about JK Rowling's revelation that she felt sorry for her choice to put Hermione Granger with Ron Weasley because it was a wish she had, now she seems to feel that it would have made more sense if Harry and Hermione had hooked up. I'm really paraphrasing here but the gist of the article is there. For me this is disappointing and I want anyone to slap this article in my face if I ever "wish" to retcon a book series I've written decades from now.
The real problem I have here is not that she said she was sorry but that she said she was sorry because it was the outcome she wanted at the time. We're people who tend to change over time, it is a part of life and I know she isn't going to change it but I don't get what is wrong with the choice. Now the article is likely somewhat sensationalized by the media but it is still laying out the claim that she made a mistake. I think it is odd for an author to feel they made a mistake that isn't typo related or character breaking. She made a choice, it could be good, bad, or neither. For me it is something that you make the choice you can when you have the option to make it. If you feel that you should have done differently, sure I can you can say that "objectively" it might have been better if these two were together, but to say something like "I'm sorry" admits to a wrong doing in my mind.
See to me the writing process isn't full of wrong or rights but choices that the author is in charge of governing. As how appropriate those choices are is debatable but if you have a goal that two people are suppose to get together and later on you feel that it was a bad choice then I'm at a loss for words. The goal of the outline was for them to get together, they grew in the writer's mind for this very purpose and for the writer to say that it was their wish for the story to end up the way it did then I would say they should feel happy about that choice. If she had Hermione and Ron get together because of her editor's demands that would have been a bad choice because she wasn't taking control of her characters, she was letting outside influences making major demands on her work. Then again in defense of editors they give such pieces of advice because they may see a problem with the story outline, in the end it relies on the author to make the choice that feels appropriate to them.
In the end I only hope that I can accept that the choices I make now are fine because I feel they are fine now. I don't want to be the person who feels the need to change an entire relationship dynamic or make "Han didn't shoot first." It destroys a trust I think a reader and an author share.