So Yesterday I had a visit to the eye doctor, and for the first time in my life I had my eyes dilated. It was to say the least a very interesting experience which gave me just a taste of what the world would seem like for a vampire. That was the thought that went through my mind when I went outside and had to keep flimsy hospital shades secure so the world around me wouldn't blind me. The blazing yellow light in the sky had turned its setting up to 100 and everything just bleached out to nearly unsaturated colors.
It was dreadful experience where the daylight felt dangerous considering how close it is getting to Halloween as well as recent movie watching got me thinking got me thinking about vampires. Looking outside far away from the source was tolerable, but not comfortable. I ended up wearing shades the entire day since the area was well lit by sunlight. All I really needed was a coffin and some nice Gothic gear and I would have looked the part.
All in all I think it was fascinating to experience the environment in an uncomfortable setting. What everyone else felt was wonderful sunny weather on a fall day to me was a hostile. It created a distance from me and the society I was in. To end I think I want to try and just write it down in a sense maybe like a vampire newly coming into his power.
The world was bleached out, white and dead. People around me walked and laughed as if nothing every happened but to me they were all bleached bone next to the inferno of light that was the sun.
That is what it felt like, anyhow ranting off.