So last year I got a little bit hung up on my own goals. One of those things that happens when you get caught in a recursive argument with yourself. Basically as I wanted to have one drawing a week and I wanted to have one introspective writing, at minimum, the process began to become linked, eventually the whole thing collapsed because I also wanted everything to be of high quality.
That is what is funny, I didn't stop writing, nor did I stop drawing and exploring my personal development. All of those things continued without issue towards my performance. What did get stuck was technology, well my ability to manage multiple devices and their power needs. Basically I simply had trouble juggling power sockets and eventually didn't have the power to work on a digital sketch app. It broke the cycle, the whole rhythm was thrown off and I was left trying to gather myself up.
Sometimes I think of myself as a train with 18 cars latched on. Once I get stuck and stopped it can take some time to get back up to speed and that is if I'm lucky enough to not have some technical failure that causes my cars to pile up or derail, metaphorically speaking.
Still I need to remind myself that I don't need to have a snazzy picture with every article and that this effort of mine is also about meeting an internal deadline. So Time to get back to work, or so I hope.